Sunday, August 27, 2006 |
All Good Things... |
must come to an end. Somethings, for the second time round. Yes after a fun filled couple of months, it was once again time to leave Cayman in pursuit of our next adventure. Europe is calling and we must get a move on. Okay, well once we actually get our workpermits approved! In the meantime, we are going back to catch up with family and friends in Saskatchewan, given that we didn't have much time after finishing our Round the World Trip. Of course....we do have to go through Florida on the way back so we might be a tad delayed!!
A few farewell pics....

Farewell brunch at the Ritz with Anne & Rob. Yummmmmmmmy!!!
Oh and then a few drinks at the pool bar.
Which somehow ended up at Calico Jack's further down the beach.
Is it just me, or did it get dark?
Rob doesn't realize it yet, but that puppy is going home with him tonight!!! Always a good night when you end up with a new addition to the family the next day!!!
Okay so brunch ended up turning into more than a couple of hours....but that didn't stop Wade from another leaving duo with his workmates. So turns out, he really was the middleman at work!
Cheers Cayman, we're off! |
posted by The Adventures of Rena & Wade @ 7:11 AM  |
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