Sunday, August 13, 2006
What or what should we do on a Sunday afternoon? I know, let's drive out to Driftwood bar for a Cayman BBQ and an afternoon of cards.

Yes it's a tough life when the bars have a view like this. A wonderful lazy Sunday afternoon. This is what weekends should always be like.

Mmmmmm....Chicken & Ribs!!!

Yes and then the cards break out. It all starts out as fun and games....

But then there appears to be some controversy!

However, still a relatively happy ending! After all even when the games were over, there were still more mudslides to drink!!!
posted by The Adventures of Rena & Wade @ 11:12 AM  
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Location: Regina/Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

The adventures of living and working abroad. From Cayman to Europe, a break year and side adventure travels, this is our story.

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