Rob and Anne were nice enough to lend us their jeep while they were away on vacation. We took advantage of this by losing the top and spending a sunny Sunday touring around the island.

Here we are in East End at a little beach we’ve never seen before.

Rena enjoying the sites of our private little beach.
After relaxing on the end of this dock for awhile we decided it was time to make our way to Morrits. As I stood up and pulled the jeep key out of my pocket I heard a very alarming sound. The one and only jeep key had fallen off the key chain and was rattling on the wood of the dock dangerously close to an open space between planks. And yes, it happened, the key fell through the dock into the ocean. Crap. This is not good. At that point the water was about 6 feet deep and infested with turtle grass. Thinking of the time Andy dropped his wedding band on Seven Mile Beach in 3 feet of water, with no turtle grass, and wasn’t able find it we didn’t like our chances. In any event, while wishing I had worn swimming trunks and brought a dive mask, I jumped in to have a look. Unable to open my eyes in the salt water Rena directed me from the dock. I guess the turtle grass prevented the waves and current from moving the key and as luck would have it we found it. Then we threw the key chain that caused this into the ocean. Well, I tried to but it was Rob Anne’s and the fun sheriff intervened.

Enjoying a tasty red stripe at Morrits after our treasure hunt.  Late afternoon sky from East End. |